These are the exercises for the courses of Introduction to Statistics for Neuroscience class held by:

Prof. Dr. Tim Friede

Department of

Medical Statistics



Dr. Andreas Leha

Core Facility ’Medical Biometry

and Statistical Bioinformatics


The exercise sessions are held by:

Francesco Taverna

Department of Medical Statistics, UMG


The solutions will be made public after each exercise session. Click the green buttons ‘Show Source’ and ‘Show Output’ to look at the lines of code and the outputs.

Examaple of how to interact with the show-hide buttons.

The following calendar will be updated as soon as the solution will be released.

Lecture Scheduled lecture day Solution available Release date
R intro 26 October ✔️ 21 October
Exercises 1 27 October ✔️ 1 November
Exercises 2 1 November ✔️ 2 November
Exercises 3 2 November ✔️ 4 November
Exercises 4 3 November ✔️ 9 November
Exercises 5 8 November ✔️ 11 November
Exercises 6 9 November ✔️ 12 November
Exercises 7 10 November ✔️ 15 November
Exercises 8 15 November ✔️ 17 November
Exercises 9 16 November ✔️ 18 November
Exercises 10 17 November ✔️ 19 November

Reading Recommendations

Introductory Statistics for the Life and Biomedical Sciences, 1st Edition

Julie Vu and Dave Harrington

freely available at:



OpenIntro Statistics, 4th Edition

David Diez, Mine Cetinkaya-Rundel and Christopher Barr

freely available at:



The course is based on lectures notes by Prof. Dr. Klaus Jung, TiHo Hannover.

The R introduction and some exercises take inspiration from the lectures notes of Prof. Dr. Paolo Vidoni, Università di Udine.